Hello and welcome to my new Blog

I have been passionate about all things Sewing for more that 3 decades now, it seems a passion that never fades.

I have also worked in the industry for many years and at this point in time I am teaching at 2 Janome dealers as well as at my own studio. ( see locations and times by clicking on the "Teaching Schedule " above).

It is a pleasure to share with other like minded people and with the way technology is moving the machines we have today are so amazing.

I can send a embroidery design to my Janome 15000 from my iPhone (that is sooooo awesome)  To be able to edit and send designs from the iPad just like sending an email is really remarkable.

What would our great grandmothers think if they could see us today? when they had to sit at a treadle and peddle all day. Now we push a button and walk away. As the technology has moved on so has the learning process.

It is a massive jump from a sewing machine to a sewing / embroidery machine with a major learning curve, so don't beat yourself up when you can't do everything in the first hour.

There are thread to consider, bobbin fill, backing and   stabilizers, toppers for towels, needles and fabrics which hoop to choose, and that is all before you sew a stitch. Then's the software, editing, resizing, adding text, combining designs, printing templates, saving / sending, again all before you sew a stitch.

My plan here with the blog and the online tutorials is to offer a link to help build your skills and increase your knowledge base so that you can be confident to tackle anything.

I have just added the 1st FREE tutorial and project to the members area, membership is FREE but you will need to register to gain access to the restricted area. You can gain access by clicking this link "Join Our Community", please make sure you enter your correct email address, as your password will be emailed there immediately after you register.

There will be more free projects and tutorials coming soon and there will be some at a small fee, I hope you will be able to find what you are looking for and look forward to you comments.

Happy Stitching,
